Lots of daffodils at the Flower Event

The Flower Event is organised for the second time thanks to its big success last year. The Flower Event is located at the white church (Witte Kerk) in the centre of Noordwijkerhout. The complete church is decorated with spring flowers, arranged by Creatizz. Theme of this year is Dutch Design.
Great combination!
Today, wednessday 19th, the church was officially opened. On friday evening the 21st the illuminated Flower Parade travels through Noordwijkerhout. Combine a visit of the Flower Event with the Flower Parade. Beginning of this week a lot of volunteers helped to decorate the church with tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and many more spring flowers. Also a lot of growers from the bulb area provided the team with their blooming products. Therefore P. Pennings/Dutch Daffodils hand picked more than 30 varieties of daffodils to be showed in the church.
A beautiful result
Finally, have a look a the pictures of this lovely church in Noordwijkerhout. If you are in the bulb region of Holland, feel free to visit the white church. Entrance is free and the Flower Event is open till sunday 12.00 o’clock. We are very pleased to be able to help this succesful event grow. It is a very nice way to show and inform the visitors about spring flowers from Holland.
Dutch Daffodils
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